Update your blocks on the Arbiter

2017 Schedule is being assigned.


To: Western Mass High School Football Officials
Fr: Alan Nummy, P.V.I.A.C. Football Commissioner
Date: 7/16/17

Gentlemen, Welcome to P.V.I.A.C. Football for the 2017 season. I hope your summer has been enjoyable and you are all looking forward to the Western Mass High School football season. I have updated the Arbiter Football account for 2017. My plan is to start assigning officials to games during the week of July 24th. During the next week I am requesting that you:
     1. Log into Arbiter Sports and update all of your personal information. Please confirm your address, phone numbers and E-Mail address. Be sure to include your Social Security number. Most schools are using the Arbiter for payment information so if you wish to get paid you must include your SS#. Be sure that the READY box is checked. Some of you may have already gone through this process, especially the college officials. Please re-check your Blocks and RE-check the Ready box. The Arbiter system will not allow me to assign any games to you unless the box is checked. For those of you new to or returning to the Arbiter Football site, you must log into the Arbiter and accept membership in the Football Account. You must do this even if you have an existing account for another sport.
     2. Access the BLOCKS and confirm your availibility in your calendar. You can block full or partial days. Be sure to attend to dates and times for JV, Freshman and Middle School games. If you cannot work a sub-varsity schedule you must block the dates and times. If you do not block a date and are assigned a game you own it! Plan to work! You have an opportunity to set up your schedule. Please accept your responsibility.  Also under BLOCKS, you can block one school. If you are associated in any way with a particular school, be sure to block the school.
     3. Your officiating positions have been assigned by your Executive Board. If you wish to change your position or have any problem with your assigned position please contact your E-Board. Any changes must come from your E-Board.
     4. Arbiter has a feature included with Declines. If you chose to Decline an assignment you will need a reason attached for the decline to be accepted.
     5. Many of you have included a picture as part of your Arbiter site. This has proven to be helpful to the AD’s and Coaches. To those of you who have yet to include a picture, please include one for the 2017 season.
     6. The initial schedule will be through October only.  Additional games and assignments will be added in November once the playoff structure is complete.
     7. Be sure you have register with the M.I.A.A.  You must complete the Background Check and Concussion Certification. I cannot assign until you are registered and cleared by the M.I.A.A.
     8. For the 2017 season your Board has decided to start moving toward “assigning by Crews”. If you have any questions, concerns or interest in a Crew please contact your Board of Directors and not the Assigning Commissioner.

     I am looking forward to working with you during the 2017 season. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer.  Thank you all for your cooperation in getting started on a great season. 

Attached File:

Posted: to General News on Wed, Feb 8, 2017
Updated: Sun, Jul 23, 2017